In his book "Multiple Streams of Income", Robert Allen popularized the idea that a person can not rely solely on their jobs that bring wealth into their lives. Rather, a person should have a job, a career that are really enthusiastic, and build their wealth with the addition of numerous other sources of income. Allen continues to say that these streams of additional income is better if they have residual income.
Allen draws on his experience of 20 yearsThe production of residual income streams to outline and illustrate how a person can use other sources of passive income to be able to resume their lives. Allen is a writer of great experience, book with a style very clear and simple, which is always interesting and fun. The result is a financial self-help book that is well respected, often cited, and has been important since its first publication in 2000.
All of his 18 starts each chapter with a quotation from a famous appropriatePerson. While each chapter are on the edge of the page number of other offers, the wise and often witty. This is a model that I personally enjoy a good book, because, in addition to entertainment, each citation contains the nucleus of a much bigger idea.
Allen began his discussion of building wealth, with a couple of chapters in good money management and the power of regular investments and regular savings plans. He gives a vivid example of how to save a dollar a day andthe leverage effect of compound interest the sum of up to one million U.S. dollars can make a long life. Allen then describes the various powers of money, of which we never think that helping a person to achieve financial independence.
The following three chapters on the concepts of investing in the stock market in various ways. The debate is a good basic overview of the disciplines to be to be successful as an investor in the stock market. BeTreatment of the subject lot takes away the mystery and helps the reader to recognize that the flow of income in the stock market entirely reasonable, and potentially powerful.
Robert Allen has written a successful real estate investing book "Nothing Down" real estate investing the best-selling book in history. It is based on his knowledge of real estate to four chapters in this book about various aspects of investing in real estate and tax liens write. Has many usesStories to help invest the concepts behind the actual holding of success, and he describes dozens of strategies that he used successfully.
Four different streams of income with marketing are discussed in the next section of the book. Allen describes the network marketing, marketing information, internet marketing and licensing. Any form of marketing is well established principles, the principles advanced with good explanations and illustrations covering thoseand examples. The chapter on Network Marketing surprised me most, because Allen calls it "the latest machine for the money" and because they are negative opinions about network marketing, the chapter successfully resolved. The chapter on Internet marketing interests me most, because I have so much potential wealth being generated through the Internet, that I wanted to know more, can be heard.
More recently, the book takes the different discussions on the constructionMultiple streams of income to discuss ways to preserve and protect a source of wealth. Allen also writes a short chapter on reconciliation between life and sums it up with my favorite phrase in the book "And 'my wish for you: a life of joyful abundance of all kinds - multiple streams of income, relationships, energy unlimited health, a quick mind and a strong spirit. "
"Multiple streams of income" by Robert G. Allen. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., New York. ISBN 0-471-65578-3.