Talk cyber indicate that neither the editors nor the funds in the books, not to be interested in his blockbuster promise. We live in an era of super-sized reality. The publishing world is no different, and yet still surprises and saddens me. I am new to fiction / mystery / crime writing. I have my first book published earlier this year, mainly because I felt that I was older, I spent enough years, submission to agents and publishers.
When Ipublish the decision, I ask questions to agents and publishers. One agent told me that should always be in writing and I found my niche. I wondered what was my niche and it would have been different if my books or someone else has published.
As I read a lot of blogs and write lists, I think it's an injury, even published writers self-Books. Some are not willing to accept when you publish your own. Which is a shame, because it is so difficult to find an agent orEditor of the day. However, a book published by a "real" editor is not necessarily a good book. I have published a series of self-reading books that are wonderful, and many books published that are not traditionally.
We all want acceptance of our work and that love is the validation, but, like most measures of self-worth must come from within. If so, why you need someone else to give written confirmation, you may need to rethink how to spend your time. When you write,to make money, according to some data, you have a better chance buying a lottery ticket too.
I'm not ashamed of self-publishing, I am pleased to have as a way to do it and buy more food. When I write to stop, will not solve the problem. Is only one stop on the new and very enjoyable activity.
In the interest of the survival of our planet, I think that small publishers will lead the way to support the continued growth of print on demand. In a world where every treewill be important, writers responsible production of his books how, as the reader. The latest "Harry Potter" book was a series of fourteen million. This is a phenomenal number, and I would bet that most are sold by them or sell them. For now I rely on printing books for customers, as they are organized.