Meticulously articulated, Carla Lee Suson tells a tale of horrific terror, personal revenge, and future politics in her masterpiece novel, Independence Day Plague. Incorporating an insider's view into the government's military sanctioned secret biological weapons industry, the story takes place in the not-too-distant future, 2026 - the 250th Anniversary of America.
Police need to unravel the trail of a "lone wolf," a self-made domestic terrorist; set against the backdrop of the nation's 4th of July gala celebration being planned in the Metro-DC area. With sub-plots of international tensions posturing the USA against China over a satellite incident and military actions, all hell is about to break loose if this cat-and-mouse hunt isn't solved in time. The clock's ticking, and millions of lives depend on it.
Carla Lee Suson's authenticity to detail is extraordinary. Well researched and having lived in the worlds she wrote about, her book transported me into the tributaries of the government's secret programs with, at times, an eerie attention to detail. The future events imagined and portrayed in her book all have their roots in reality. She created a high level of credibility to her story by keeping within the bounds of believability of future events as well as her characters' motivations. Thus she authored a book I was immersed within while reading, and found to be as enjoyable as a blockbuster feature movie.
Picked up by Fireside Publications, Independence Day Plague is an unforgettable 249 page literary experience. Clad with cover art of an ominously penetrating stare of a woman wearing a gas mask, with the clear blue sky behind the iconic Washington Monument, the cover suggests a threat not seen nor sensed. I consider myself fortunate to have read this so early in the book's release, as I can only anticipate the frenzy of followers yet to echo my praise. A book, I can honestly say, "I was holding my breath until the end!"