Dr. Scott Johnson - Freemasonry Exposed 1/19

เขียนโดย Eva | 19:31

*PDF FILE HERE - playpdf.sa-media.com drscottjohnson.blogspot.com Scott's Homepage - www.sermonaudio.com Scott's Forum - www.endtimescurrentevents.freeforums.org contendingfortruth.com 13th December 2009 Freemasonry Exposed Teaching Overview In his book titled: Freemasons: Inside the World's Oldest Secret Society, H. Paul Jeffers refers to the United States as a Masonic project. His findings revealed that many of the founding fathers of the country were high degree masons. For instance, of the 56 persons who signed the Declaration of Independence document in 1778, 15 of them or 27 percent were Masons. Jeffers has also found out that 28 of the 40 signers of the USA constitution were high degree Masons. In view of the overwhelming influence of Freemasonry in the American society, it is no surprise that Freemasons have dominated politics in the US. Out of the 43 presidents that have ruled America from 1789 to date, 25 of them were Freemasons. Among them was George Washington, who was installed the first president of the country in 1789. He was initiated in November 1752 into Frederickburg Lodge N0.4, Fredereickburg, Virginia. He is the first and only Freemason to serve simultaneously as a lodge master and president. Jeffers has also come to the conclusion that Freemasonry was at the heart of the American Revolution as more than 50 percent of the generals who fought and won the war of American independence from Britain were Freemasons. That explains why Freemasonry has ...


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