The rhetoric of presidential candidates has increased over the concept of change - and the electorate is energized by the watchword. But the idea of change really so new? In 1944, the Republican governor of New York, Thomas E. Dewey, ran for president against the three historic Franklin D. Roosevelt with the slogan "It 'time for change." Although not the specific word, promised John F. Kennedy, in 1960, go with "Let's get America moving again." In 1980, RonaldReagan emphasized the importance and role of individual citizens' complaints and said: "All great change in America begins at the table." In his farewell address in 1989, looking back on his years in office, Reagan said: "We decided to change a nation, but we changed a world." In 1992, one of the themes of Bill Clinton: "Do not stop thinking about is tomorrow," and he used the word change 10 times in his speech application.
No matter, is the agent of changePersonal and aims at you, members of the sandwich generation. Let your children grow up moved out, so that a gap in your life that wants to be filled? There are significant variations with aging parents, which affects directly and often? Or are you cross the middle of a transition of middle age itself and uncertain about how and in what direction?
They have no real choice but to leave the past, when the changes outside the control or inevitable. And much moremore important than what has happened to you as you deal with this situation. Regardless of the specific problems you are facing - personally or with family in transition - using some of the following suggestions to guide your way:
1. It is often said that history is prologue. As you look back in retrospect, how did you deal with other important changes in your life? Think about what worked in the past. Take the specific strategies that you learned from these experiences, and once again applymore effective.
2. Look at the many ways that you continue on internal and external systems to build on that date. Assess the strengths and fundamental character, the way will benefit in other circumstances. You are curious and fiercely determined to find a solution, no matter what? Discover community resources, such as programs and caregiver support groups that help in your decision in this process.
3. Put some long-range goals, what you want to achieve,and short-term goals that will help you, will be. These plans provide the basis for concrete base and parameters for change. How to grow successfully advance step by step, your confidence is. This incremental and continuous action and a positive attitude will motivate you to stay on track and ultimately achieve your goals.
4. Recognizing the importance of support. Conversations with friends and family to clarify your needs as you work through this process of change.In addition, a second opinion and aim to go out - for example, a family therapist, geriatrician or a coach - will have a clearer picture, direction and encouragement.
5. Remember to relax and have fun, how to bring balance to what is a difficult situation or difficult. You have an open mind and be creative. Invite your family in the process. Research data show that the greatest number of people on the outcome of a situation in which they are expected to participate actively in the course,action.
In the middle of this bitterly fought political campaign, all candidates seem to have now is to change the train. Talking is easy, but in reality the change is much more complex - and serve as the common good, you must also walk the walk.
So stay right in sync. In the midst of major change in course, the most important thing at this moment in your life. And in keeping with the Buddhist concept of change, remember that the changecan only come from within. Rely on your wisdom and experience of the past. How can you help give your family members who are in a transition phase, keep at what brings you inner peace and contentment of the soul.
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