The book "Fighting for GOD (Gold, oil and drugs)," start written by Jeremy, and illustrated by Lauren Salk, covers many important aspects of what it means to be an American today. This book is excellent reading, and quite a bargain at $ 9.95. It's not every day that you get important information, as served in a concise and entertaining.
Published on heavy paper in a magazine format, Fighting for God (gold, oil andDrugs) is one of the finest special comics on the market, even if what is contained within, is not funny. If this book was one of comedy, I would be compared to grade loose in the realm of horror, and even more terrible because it's true!
Fighting for God (gold, oil and drugs), has a very good job of illustrating how and why the Americans have left a government by and for the people. Is actually aabbreviated history, highlighting the ultra-relevant, or the secret history of our country. This short form is easily absorbed and really one of the strengths of the book quickly because the models that have been deliberately obscured, buried, illuminated by the enemies of America and its agents for many years.
In short, "Fighting for God (gold, oil and drugs)," written by Jeremy Start, and illustrated by Lauren Salk explains clearly exactlylike America, has come to this police state of judicial and economic decadence, debauchery. I assure you that it is no accident.
Many astute observers have known a secret conspiracy within the government of the United States for some time, along with his background and how infiltrated our government. Until recently, however, this band of traitors was chosen to pull the strings and manipulate our laws behind the scenes. What has changed dramatically September 11, 2001, and wasthe event as the 911, the secret history of America, moved well known to the fore, especially thanks to the many improbabilities manifest before, during and after the event.
In other words, a lot of people started to ask, because not only gives the official explanation does not make sense.
Fighting for God is an excellent distillation of the answers to these questions, a collection of real events that led up to 911, which begins with the history of banks, andEvent itself, the State following the monitoring process that led from it.
Mr. Start is a very good job of stitching seemingly unrelated events correctly, and do it again and again. This is an important milestone in this book, actually. By reading this short, informative, well illustrated and accounting, even the casual reader can see that things are not as they should be here, in what was the land of freedom.