Each club is different, with different members reading books on different topics. Here are some tips for you are your group reading.
First, you need a couple of friends involved. 6-8 people is a perfect size, just enough to get a lively discussion. Once you have a small number of partners dedicated to discover that each of you bring one or two additional people in the group. You can find possible candidates for the job, school or church. If you have trouble rounding up enough interest,Try sending a flyer at your local bookstore or a library nearby.
Next, decide what to read! Approximately 55-year-olds in general subjects such as politics, interested in fiction on environmental issues. You can see that the passions are strong in this area. Want to vote on all the titles nominated, or take the choice of the next election? Some groups choose all their books for next year in the first session, others take a month to month.
Once you have selected aBook, you must determine how to structure the discussions. Not want to keep a member in each session? Perhaps the person who chose the book, the conversation would mediate. You can assign each participant a topic to talk. Or would you prefer a free for all, with each jump into the conversation, and from one another.
The choice of venue is near. Often book clubs meet at homes of members, each member taking it againto accommodate. Sure that the members that fit into your living room or dining room if you follow this path. Larger groups may choose a church, church hall or a bar to take.
Finally, determine how often they meet, and when. If members of your association are retired, you could have more flexibility in your schedule. Time of 4-5 weeks is usually sufficient to ensure that everyone can finish the book assigned. Meeting the same day and at the same time eachMonths, will your plan members in advance.
Book clubs are very popular with Over55s. With the combination of reading time and more life experience, you and your friends are bound to have lively discussions on a variety of topics.