Authors @ Google: Stan Lee

เขียนโดย Eva | 23:03

Stan Lee presents the humor in the 2008 elections with his new book, Election Daze, Lee, known as the co-creator of Spider-Man met and the X-Men, aimed at the presidential campaign in a humorous look at the election 'year. The subtitle of the book is, what are they really saying? And readers learn when they read the words of Stan Lee and funny captions to go ahead with ninety images of current politicians. Stan Lee's light-hearted, but the sense of 'deceptively satirical humorAppeal to readers of all political persuasions. Election Daze features images by award-winning Capitol Hill photographer Lauren Victoria Burke and focuses on modern followers politicians like Hillary Clinton, President Bush, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani, and more political as well as celebrities like Stephen Colbert, George Clooney and Michael Moore. Daze is a U.S. election souvenirs for the campaign of 2008 and a pop culture collectible for readers interested inThemes and characters that define our time. Stan Lee is an American icon, a celebrated writer and editor best known as a modern myth-maker when he has just done the superhero Spider-Man, X-Men, Hulk, Daredevil and The Fantastic Four. He led the expansion of Marvel Comics from a small publishing house to a large multi-media company, blowing his characters with modern sensibilities and emotional weakness. More recently established a business as Stan Lee POW! (ProvidersDeveloped Wonder) Entertainment, film, television, video games, and the properties of publication. Less well known is Lee's love of humor and pop culture. Also has a book of photo humor as a golfer Anonymous, as well as editing and writing for a magazine called Celebrity Celebrities You Don t Say Die! With the election Daze Lee is returning to its roots by the type of humor that is the most fun and fulfillment. This event took place July 2, 2008, as part of the Authors @ GoogleSeries.

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